Thursday, March 19, 2009
Posted by: TANYAANG
Time: 6:46 PM
Comments: 0

Finally, after so so so many things have happened, we're almost done with our English Proj.
I felt really acomplished. And for once I felt really good.
Though I have not much confidence of getting good grades for this proj, BUT at least I had a great time filming. It's really really fun! HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Now I know why Keane and Weane have this really strong v v v strong perfume smell of some kind of flower... Lol.! His whole house smells this way once I stepped in. Lol. Even after I got home, my shirt too, has that "fragrance". Lol.


Tanya Ang Tingya
"I woke up and
realised that
reality is finally better than my dreams."

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