Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Posted by: TANYAANG
Time: 10:02 PM
Comments: 0
Not me.
Obviously, it can't be me.

I woke up late today. Exactly 6.22am.
I still don't feel good. Infact, I felt like crap. I don't know how to describe the way I feel exactly but ya, I felt like crap.

Morning prayer in school today was kinda different. It wasn't just talking, but singing as well.
Suddenly felt that God was trying to tell me this was for me. Trying to remind me that He is still here for me. But I neglected Him, again.

I have to think. Seriously, think.
It still can't be me.

What is wrong with me?

Tanya Ang Tingya
"I woke up and
realised that
reality is finally better than my dreams."

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