Monday, March 2, 2009
Posted by: TANYAANG
Time: 4:01 PM
Comments: 0
Thinking of You

Hey guys!
I was Water Baptised on Saturday, 28 February!!
Congrats to me! Hehe.

Anyway, once again there's lots of test coming up. I just had one 3 hours ago.

Anyway, I went facial yesterday. Lol! Okaye, fine. I'm vain. -.-
And I cried during facial you know. Actually not really crying lah. I was tearing!
Omgosh! It was friggin' painful man. It hurts alot!!!!!!!!!!! The beautician squeezed all my acne(s).
OUCH. And currently my face is filled with pimple-like "temporarily" scars. So ugly! ):
I hope it will be gone soon. ^^


P/s: I'm officially Tanya Ang Ting Ya now...
Tsk tsk..

Tanya Ang Tingya
"I woke up and
realised that
reality is finally better than my dreams."

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