 Picture: Swan Lake Music: Five Loaves and Two Fishes Hey world! In two days time there'll be X-Country. I hope it rains like mad on Friday. *smile* You came back last night. How am I suppose to react to it? Surprised, I guess.
 Hallelujah!I wanna thank my amazing God for my answered prayers. It was indeed amazing and it was so close to impossible that my parents would grant me to be baptised. I really do thank God for these! Thank You, Lord! Anyway, I think Singapore should really ban people having unlimited smses. Lol. Its madness. Debra got spammed over 1000 over smses from a person who has unlimited free smses. IT IS MADNESS. Lol. p/s. Okok, I'll start linking people ok..! Lol.^^
Hello world. These days I've been seeing many Christians standing against Christians. )': Let's not mention Christians I see in real-life, even in the virtual world, I meet people like this. I musn't deny that even me, myself have been acting like this these days. I'm very disappointed in myself. As I was having my CIC lesson just before service yesterday, Bible verses came across my mind. I felt that there is the necessity for me to stop. Gal. 3:26-28 For now we are all children of God through faith in Jesus Christ, and we who have been baptised into union with Christ are enveloped by Him. We are no longer Jews or Greeks or slaves or free men or even merely men or women, but we are all the same - We are Christians; we are one in Christ Jesus. Eph. 2:19, 22p (TLB) You are members of God's very own family. and you belong in God's household with every other Christian. And you also are joined with Him and with each other by the Spirit. Rom. 14:1,4,12,22 Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgement on disputable matters... Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To his own master, he stands or falls... So whatever you believe about there things keep between yourselves and God. Let's become One in Christ. Let's treat every other Christians as a family, God's family. Cheers! :D
Okay... There's E maths test, Combined Chemistry test tmr and another Social studies test coming very, very soon(but I don't know when). THIS IS MADNESS.This is seriously crazy! Can't we have a break? Why do teachers like to bomb all the tests at the same time??????????????? How nice. Anyway, I just realised that I'm actually good at estimating stuff. HAHAHAHA. (But estimating Maths or whatever gotta do with numbers, excluding date, are exceptions.) This morning I was telling one of my classmates(I forgot who.) "HAHAHAHAHAHA! I never got my skirt unstitched or kena detention in my whole secondary life! HAHAHAHA!" And you know what, later today I got detention for my short skirt and my skirt was unstitched. Nice one man. Today is a crazy day for me. And I got really upset because SOMEBODY laughed at my picture! Ahhh! I'm a girl okay! How can you like call me ugly. Even if I am so, don't be so straightforward lah! Hurt my feelings sia! I'm a girl afterall. *sobs*
Love is in the air.Hello to all the attached and singles in the world! It doesn't matter what category you fall on, Valentine's Day can still be perfect. Don't dread about it, I'm single too and I've got sooooooooooo many gifts. :D V. Day also = Friendship Day. Not just for couples okay! Anyw, the best gift I have received was a necklace. I love that necklace! Hehe. :D Weeeeeeeeeeeee. I love all my friends. <3<3<3 I luv ya'll, friends! Anyway, my I'm rather happy today. :D Tmr will be the actual Valentine's Day! :D Enjoy yourselves peeps! <3 Hugs + Kisses Tingya P.S. I'm happy and a little sad at the same time. But I'm glad I took a step closer.
 Hey world! I feel like this today! I'm falling back in love with Avril Lavigne after Ming Ai reminded me about A. Lavigne during POA lesson this morning. I'm feeling much much much much better alr! Weeeeeeeeeeee, iRock! Valentine's day its like 2 days away! And who said Valentine's day are only to be celebrated with your valentine? That'll be so unfair to the singles! Haha! So,........... I've already gotten ready my "Valentine" 's gift for my dear friends. SO you people reading my blog now, Don't forget mine as well!!! Tee heeeeeeeeeeee! So much to do, So little time.
Obviously, it can't be me.I woke up late today. Exactly 6.22am. I still don't feel good. Infact, I felt like crap. I don't know how to describe the way I feel exactly but ya, I felt like crap. Morning prayer in school today was kinda different. It wasn't just talking, but singing as well. Suddenly felt that God was trying to tell me this was for me. Trying to remind me that He is still here for me. But I neglected Him, again. I have to think. Seriously, think. It still can't be me. What is wrong with me?
More like Crushed.So things went pretty well today until an hour ago. Floorball was cancelled due to no teacher in-charge taking over Mr. Tong. I bought many pink cards and stuff to prepare Valentine's day gifts for everyone. Feeling lethargic. Tons of homework not done yet. I don't even know when will be the time for me to seriously start revising. I might start on my homework after this entry... But I might not. I don't feel good now. And I seriously think I have a problem with myself. It's not as easy as you think. Neither is it difficult. You must be thinking, "What the hell is wrong with Tingya?" I don't know! I don't know what's wrong with me! As I said I have a problem with myself and I don't know what. I need to think... Yes, think hard, think again...
Hey. Since everyone has posted their obs entry, I shall post as well. ^^ OBS also known as Outward Bound Singapore is incredibly fun, aiight! I'm tan now, well not VERY tan. Lol. Fortunately, I din have any serious sunburns. Anyway, the first day of camp was boring. Honestly, I was complaining how much OBS sucks. But my view changes as the days went by. The second day we kayaked to Camp 2. We were super fortunate not to be the first few watches to camp there -oh wait- BEFORE we went to Camp 2, we had some high elements activities in Camp 1. Hahaa! I partnered Shuyi. Both of us were quite nervous and felt helpless when we're up there. Especially me, i think. Haha. But I did enjoy myself pretty much tho. Yeah, as I was saying, we weren't the first few watches to camp in Camp 2 because we'd be struggling with cockroaches and lizards maybe centipedes, while we're showering. Gosh, I thank God we're not the first to enter the battledome of disgusting creatures, we'd have been screaming our lungs out man. Haha. And yeah, I dislike my instructor. He almost spoil my bladder man. I shall not elaborate on that. Third day we hiked to "Camp 3". Yeah. On our way there, we saw this yellow temple thingy. The history of it was a german girl killed while escaping Pulau Ubin during WWI, i think. And they cremated her and her urn was in the temple and they used a creepy barbie doll to idolise her in the temple. I saw the Barbie doll ok. And the sight of it freaks me out. Forth day we practically Kayaked for six hours. Something embarassing happened. I shall not elaborate! HAHAHAHA! Okaye. Kayaking is the most enjoyable thing in OBS, i guess. yeap. So, on the firth day floorballer went back at 8.15am. We had floorball tournament. I think I did quite well during the tournament until the 3rd period. Yeah, yeah. So... This is it. Ta.
Hello worlddddddddddddddd! I wanna thank SHUYI for this blogskin. Like finally I have the mood to start blogging again! :D Officially announcing Shuyi rocks man! :D Nights.
 Picture: Swan Lake Music: Five Loaves and Two Fishes Hey world! In two days time there'll be X-Country. I hope it rains like mad on Friday. *smile* You came back last night. How am I suppose to react to it? Surprised, I guess.
 Hallelujah!I wanna thank my amazing God for my answered prayers. It was indeed amazing and it was so close to impossible that my parents would grant me to be baptised. I really do thank God for these! Thank You, Lord! Anyway, I think Singapore should really ban people having unlimited smses. Lol. Its madness. Debra got spammed over 1000 over smses from a person who has unlimited free smses. IT IS MADNESS. Lol. p/s. Okok, I'll start linking people ok..! Lol.^^
Hello world. These days I've been seeing many Christians standing against Christians. )': Let's not mention Christians I see in real-life, even in the virtual world, I meet people like this. I musn't deny that even me, myself have been acting like this these days. I'm very disappointed in myself. As I was having my CIC lesson just before service yesterday, Bible verses came across my mind. I felt that there is the necessity for me to stop. Gal. 3:26-28 For now we are all children of God through faith in Jesus Christ, and we who have been baptised into union with Christ are enveloped by Him. We are no longer Jews or Greeks or slaves or free men or even merely men or women, but we are all the same - We are Christians; we are one in Christ Jesus. Eph. 2:19, 22p (TLB) You are members of God's very own family. and you belong in God's household with every other Christian. And you also are joined with Him and with each other by the Spirit. Rom. 14:1,4,12,22 Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgement on disputable matters... Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To his own master, he stands or falls... So whatever you believe about there things keep between yourselves and God. Let's become One in Christ. Let's treat every other Christians as a family, God's family. Cheers! :D
Okay... There's E maths test, Combined Chemistry test tmr and another Social studies test coming very, very soon(but I don't know when). THIS IS MADNESS.This is seriously crazy! Can't we have a break? Why do teachers like to bomb all the tests at the same time??????????????? How nice. Anyway, I just realised that I'm actually good at estimating stuff. HAHAHAHA. (But estimating Maths or whatever gotta do with numbers, excluding date, are exceptions.) This morning I was telling one of my classmates(I forgot who.) "HAHAHAHAHAHA! I never got my skirt unstitched or kena detention in my whole secondary life! HAHAHAHA!" And you know what, later today I got detention for my short skirt and my skirt was unstitched. Nice one man. Today is a crazy day for me. And I got really upset because SOMEBODY laughed at my picture! Ahhh! I'm a girl okay! How can you like call me ugly. Even if I am so, don't be so straightforward lah! Hurt my feelings sia! I'm a girl afterall. *sobs*
Love is in the air.Hello to all the attached and singles in the world! It doesn't matter what category you fall on, Valentine's Day can still be perfect. Don't dread about it, I'm single too and I've got sooooooooooo many gifts. :D V. Day also = Friendship Day. Not just for couples okay! Anyw, the best gift I have received was a necklace. I love that necklace! Hehe. :D Weeeeeeeeeeeee. I love all my friends. <3<3<3 I luv ya'll, friends! Anyway, my I'm rather happy today. :D Tmr will be the actual Valentine's Day! :D Enjoy yourselves peeps! <3 Hugs + Kisses Tingya P.S. I'm happy and a little sad at the same time. But I'm glad I took a step closer.
 Hey world! I feel like this today! I'm falling back in love with Avril Lavigne after Ming Ai reminded me about A. Lavigne during POA lesson this morning. I'm feeling much much much much better alr! Weeeeeeeeeeee, iRock! Valentine's day its like 2 days away! And who said Valentine's day are only to be celebrated with your valentine? That'll be so unfair to the singles! Haha! So,........... I've already gotten ready my "Valentine" 's gift for my dear friends. SO you people reading my blog now, Don't forget mine as well!!! Tee heeeeeeeeeeee! So much to do, So little time.
Obviously, it can't be me.I woke up late today. Exactly 6.22am. I still don't feel good. Infact, I felt like crap. I don't know how to describe the way I feel exactly but ya, I felt like crap. Morning prayer in school today was kinda different. It wasn't just talking, but singing as well. Suddenly felt that God was trying to tell me this was for me. Trying to remind me that He is still here for me. But I neglected Him, again. I have to think. Seriously, think. It still can't be me. What is wrong with me?
More like Crushed.So things went pretty well today until an hour ago. Floorball was cancelled due to no teacher in-charge taking over Mr. Tong. I bought many pink cards and stuff to prepare Valentine's day gifts for everyone. Feeling lethargic. Tons of homework not done yet. I don't even know when will be the time for me to seriously start revising. I might start on my homework after this entry... But I might not. I don't feel good now. And I seriously think I have a problem with myself. It's not as easy as you think. Neither is it difficult. You must be thinking, "What the hell is wrong with Tingya?" I don't know! I don't know what's wrong with me! As I said I have a problem with myself and I don't know what. I need to think... Yes, think hard, think again...
Hey. Since everyone has posted their obs entry, I shall post as well. ^^ OBS also known as Outward Bound Singapore is incredibly fun, aiight! I'm tan now, well not VERY tan. Lol. Fortunately, I din have any serious sunburns. Anyway, the first day of camp was boring. Honestly, I was complaining how much OBS sucks. But my view changes as the days went by. The second day we kayaked to Camp 2. We were super fortunate not to be the first few watches to camp there -oh wait- BEFORE we went to Camp 2, we had some high elements activities in Camp 1. Hahaa! I partnered Shuyi. Both of us were quite nervous and felt helpless when we're up there. Especially me, i think. Haha. But I did enjoy myself pretty much tho. Yeah, as I was saying, we weren't the first few watches to camp in Camp 2 because we'd be struggling with cockroaches and lizards maybe centipedes, while we're showering. Gosh, I thank God we're not the first to enter the battledome of disgusting creatures, we'd have been screaming our lungs out man. Haha. And yeah, I dislike my instructor. He almost spoil my bladder man. I shall not elaborate on that. Third day we hiked to "Camp 3". Yeah. On our way there, we saw this yellow temple thingy. The history of it was a german girl killed while escaping Pulau Ubin during WWI, i think. And they cremated her and her urn was in the temple and they used a creepy barbie doll to idolise her in the temple. I saw the Barbie doll ok. And the sight of it freaks me out. Forth day we practically Kayaked for six hours. Something embarassing happened. I shall not elaborate! HAHAHAHA! Okaye. Kayaking is the most enjoyable thing in OBS, i guess. yeap. So, on the firth day floorballer went back at 8.15am. We had floorball tournament. I think I did quite well during the tournament until the 3rd period. Yeah, yeah. So... This is it. Ta.
Hello worlddddddddddddddd! I wanna thank SHUYI for this blogskin. Like finally I have the mood to start blogging again! :D Officially announcing Shuyi rocks man! :D Nights.
Tanya Ang Tingya
"I woke up and
realised that
reality is finally better than my dreams."
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